This fund is owned by the members and managed by a Board of Trustees through FIRM Insurance Brokers Limited.
MAJIF TRUST insures members of the Medical and Allied Professions. All members of MAJIF TRUST are automatically members or associate members of MAJ and their dues to MAJ are paid by MAJIF TRUST.
The premiums and risks are calculated actuarially by a certified and insured actuary.
The policy written by MAJIF TRUST is a “Claims occurred” policy which means that as long as you were a paid up member of MAJIF TRUST at the time of the occurrence, you will be protected even if you are no longer in practice when the claim is filed.
Since our inception in July 2002, we have followed the trends in claims against Doctors and we have been holding seminars in Risk Management and Ethics since 2003 to help us keep claims down. In several years we have not raised premium and in some years we have given discounts or bonus coverage to members particularly those without claims.