The STEP Centre
S chool for
T herapy
E ducation and
P arenting of Children with Multiple Disabilities
Motivated, cherished, appreciated – the way every child should feel.
The STEP Centre is a school dedicated to doing just that, with a support team comprised of special education teachers, physiotherapist, speech and language therapist, consultant occupational therapist and teaching assistants.
The team delivers individualized education to students with profound disabilities. Started and managed by parents the STEP Centre is the only school of its kind in Jamaica and is a fully accredited independent school whose contribution is recognized by the Ministry of Education.
We take children between the ages of 2-18 years old.
Our school environment reflects our belief that schools are a place of light learining and beauty.
The Digicel Foundation granted major funding for our new school building and we continue to work on equipping and improving our school.
Due to the nature of our programme, our operating costs are generally higher than many schools of the same size and so we embark on special fundraising to supplement our budget.
Our greeting cards are a major part of this effort.