By WorkandJam
For many Jamaicans there is nothing like a good cup of 'bush tea'. It is the preferred unofficial medicine for almost all their ailments. While their medicinal purposes are debatable, some of these popular Jamaican teas are perfect for spurring that hearty belch after breakfast.
Cerasse Tea
Cerasse (momordica charantia) is feared by many Jamaicans because of its bitterness. Regular drinking, It's said, will help to clean the blood and guard against diabetes. Many persons mix it with sugar or honey.
Mint Tea
Black mint and Pepper Mint tea are among the favourites for Jamaicans seeking to 'burst some gas'. Mint teas are used primarily for breakfast, but are sometimes given to young children at bedtime.
Fever Grass Tea
Fever grass or Lemon Grass, as the name suggests is used when a speedy recovery from the flu is needed. The grass grows wild in many rural areas of the island, and is usually mixed with sugar.
Ginger Tea
The ginger root is also used to make tea. Ginger tea, however, is not as common as many of the others. Many Jamaicans drink ginger tea to avoid indigestion, cure 'bad feelings', and to
Soursop Leaf Tea
The soursop fruit, also known as Guanabana in the Spanish-speaking islands, has many uses as in making juice, and ice cream. However the leaves from the tree are used to make tea, which is said to assuage the effects of diabetes and problems of the nervous system.