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Operation Save Jamaica28 Haining Road - Kingston
Phone: +1 876-521-9461

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A non-profit, registered charity organization whose mission is to engage Jamaicans and other partners across the globe into strategic actions so that Jamaica can experience revival, sustainable development and transformation.
Our goal is to facilitate persons to make a difference in their area of expertise in ways that create change. We operate Street Pastors Jamaica and partner with different organizations to see community and national transformation.

Our goal is to restore communities by helping them to break free from violence and the on-going cycle of inter-generational poverty and to see sustainable spiritual, social and economic revival come to depraved communities across Jamaica.
Our goal is to improve the education outcomes for children enrolled in school and to facilitate further education and training for those no longer in the conventional school system.

Our goal is to improve the provision of health services to individuals and communities across Jamaica.
Societal Values
Our goal is to promote a healthy Jamaican society which entails physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health and which is in support of sound family units that provide loving relationships that help the growth and support of all members of society.
Arts and Entertainment
Our goal is to facilitate the development of a performing arts institution so that young people can use their creativity for explosive, positive change in society.

Our goal is to protect our young people from abuse and provide them with opportunities, tools and skills for advancement in today’s global economy as well as instill them with positive values, attitudes and ethics enabling them to play their part in Jamaica’s advancement.
We fulfill our mandate through:
Strategic Intervention
The first day Lorna Stanley went into Trench Town she parted a fight between two men. Sometime later she went back into the community and a gentleman met her and told her thanks. She did not know who he was and then he informed her that he was one of the men who was in the fight which she parted. He further stated :
“We need people like you to come down to us and prevent us from killing off one another”
Interventions which address a need can always make a difference in person’s lives. OSJ therefore carries out credible interventions in the nation.
Committed Partnerships
It will take change in several areas of the society to bring about the transformation we need to experience in Jamaica. There are different persons with the required skill-sets to bring about change in these various areas. Also the change will not happen over-night but as there is commitment to the goal of transformation over time we will experience the desired change.
OSJ is therefore committed to long term partnerships with individuals and organizations that have the passion and the skills sets to bring about transformation in the various sectors of the society.
Reliable Support and Facilitation
There are many individuals, churches and organizations who want to make a contribution in specific areas which would strengthen existing works or bring interventions in critical areas of need, for example Many of them however do not have the infrastructure to allow their contribution to be realized and therefore if not facilitated the nation will not reap this benefit .
OSJ will continue to support and facilitate such individuals and entities so that their contribution can bring transformation to individual lives, communities and the nation.
Purposeful Mobilization and Engagement
There are Strategic Interventions and great works being carried out and need to be done in the nation but unless they are scaled up in terms of financial provision, volunteer or man power and skills support, the goal of transformation will not become a reality.
OSJ is therefore involved in fostering greater mobilization and engagement so that all the valid and strategic works can be enhanced to achieve their goals which will lead to transformation in all the critical areas of the society.



Street Pastors have intervened in disputes, suicide attempts and murder while providing help, care and a listening ear in communities.

Street Pastors have intervened in disputes, suicide attempts and murder while providing help, care and a listening ear in communities.
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