Poolworld & Fishing Supplies is a one stop shop that sells the finest salt water tackle and swimming pool supplies in Tower Isle, St Mary.
We stock a wide variety of fishing gear for all anglers, hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, rods, reels, lures, nets and gaffs, just to name a few.
Poolworld & Fishing Supplies also carry a complete line of Swimming Pool Products, Chemicals, Equipment & Supplies such as pool accessories, pool maintenance, pool lights, pumps and filters, just to name a few of our inventory, all at competitive prices.
In addition, we also specialize in the construction of swimming pools, swimming pool renovation, repairs & more!
Our mission at Poolworld and Fishing Supplies is to provide an online store & One Stop Shop to Pool owners & Anglers, competent product support, exceptional customer service, and quality Pool and fishing products at a fair and competitive price to customers worldwide.
Whether you need pool supplies or fishing tackle, shop at Poolworld and Fishing Supplies for the brands you know and trust
. Poolworld and Fishing Supplies we have everything you need, but the water!