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K R B Lea Jamaica Rums LtdLot 41 Caracas Avenue - Kingston
Phone: +1 876-931-5122

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Jamaica is internationally known for its aromatic rums produced in unique pot stills.
Two of the most well-known are Monymusk in Clarendon and Long Pond in Trelawny, which are owned by National Rums of Jamaica Limited.
These distilleries are the suppliers of rum used by Lea's Rum in its blending and bottling. National Rums possesses the widest range of rum markets of any distillery or group of distilleries in the world.
It currently accounts for 60 percent of Jamaica's commodity bulk rum exports of approximately 11,000,000 litres of absolute alcohol annually.
It is a major component of the Diageo brands of Captain Morgan and Myers Rums.
 Diageo has, for a number of years, been a 49 percent shareholder in Clarendon Distillers Limited, the owner of Monymusk distillery.
In recognition of the outstanding rums produced by Clarendon Distillers, West Indies Rums Limited of Barbados (producers of Cockspur Rum) and Demerara Distillers Limited of Guyana (producers of El Doroda Rum) have invested over US$10 million in rebuilding the distillery.
West Indies Rums Limited and Demerara Distillers Limited now each own one-third of National Rums.
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