The mission of the Jamaica National Heritage Trust (JNHT) is "to inspire a sense of national pride through the promotion, preservation, and development of our material cultural heritage, utilising a highly motivated and qualified team in conjunction with all our partners".
The organisation had its genesis in the Jamaica National Trust Commission which was formed under Law No. 72 of 1958. In 1985 a new law was passed which changed the name of the organisation, enlarged its functions and widened its powers of enforcement.
The JNHT has a staff complement of 131 people spread across the island. The organisation carries out its functions through five Divisions, namely, Archaeology
Heritage Protection, Research and Information
Estate Management & Business Development and Corporate Services. There are several satellite stations that have their own administrative offices and function as attraction sites. The JNHT has five heritage districts across the island and over 100 declared heritage sites. In addition, there are hundreds more of historic interest. The Trust's head office is located at Headquarters House, 79 Duke Street, Kingston
The organisation had its genesis in the Jamaica National Trust Commission which was formed under Law No. 72 of 1958. In 1985 a new law was passed which changed the name of the organisation, enlarged its functions and widened its powers of enforcement.
The JNHT has a staff complement of 131 people spread across the island. The organisation carries out its functions through five Divisions, namely, Archaeology
Heritage Protection, Research and Information
Estate Management & Business Development and Corporate Services. There are several satellite stations that have their own administrative offices and function as attraction sites. The JNHT has five heritage districts across the island and over 100 declared heritage sites. In addition, there are hundreds more of historic interest. The Trust's head office is located at Headquarters House, 79 Duke Street, Kingston