Commonly known as gully beans, susumba grows wild in Jamaica in backyards, abandoned lands, and in gullies throughout the island. Some Jamaicans eat them, but others choose not to since they have a very bitter taste. They’re typically cooked with salt fish, codfish or mackerel to help hide the flavor. Others choose to cook them with rice or in soup.
Susumba’s scientific name is Solanum torvum. The berries should never be eaten raw, without first being cleaned and prepared appropriately as they can be toxic. Also known as turkey berry, they have natural antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on studies and research, some physicians are even recommending that people add gully beans to their diet for the following reasons.
1- Cancer – The berries inhibit excessive cell growth exhibited by cancer and may help protect against lung cancer.
2- Cardiovascular disease – Susumba has powerful antioxidants and other substances that may provide protection against stroke and cardiovascular disease.
3- Diabetes – When used in cooking, it helps lower glucose levels in the disease.
4- Kidney disease – Susumba can help kidneys work efficiently, thereby aiding in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease.
5- Anemia – Gully berries are a rich source of iron that’s essential in preventing anemia and for producing red blood cells.
6- Cold and flu- A hot soup made with turkey berries will help people recover quicker from colds and flu.
7- Bronchitis and lung inflammation – The berries are effective in reducing phlegm and mucus production in respiratory conditions.
8- Parasites – All types of intestinal worms, including tapeworms, have the potential to affect anyone. Susumba helps prevent the parasites that can affect the digestive and nervous system.
9- Stomach upsets – From diarrhea to indigestion, Susumba neutralizes stomach acid that causes ulcers and stomach problems.
10- Gout – The berries help reduce the symptoms of gout by flushing uric acid from the body.
The natural anti-inflammatory properties of turkey berries acts much like a steroid to relive pain