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Tips for healthy, blooming plants

Source: Jamaica Gleaner-
Bringing new life into the world is refreshing and invigorating. And no, we’re not talking about babies. We’re talking about plants. More and more, especially during the pandemic, new plant owners are finding solace in gardening, but some still lack the proper skills and techniques to take care of their new plants. How does one grow into this journey? The answer is simple: just start.
We had a talk with Chantel Bailey, owner of Bloem En Belle Ja. She started the conversation by debunking a few myths like, are there plants out there that can’t die? According to Bailey, based on her encounters thus far, all plants die once they aren’t properly catered for by receiving adequate water and sunlight. “There are, however, low- maintenance plants which are extremely easier to cater for,” she told Living.
These low-maintenance plant include cacti, succulents, monstera, Sanseveira (the snake plant), the ZZ plant, the spider plant, the rubber plant, and dracaena giganta, just to name a few. While her company supplies these plants, at present, their main focus has been on areca palms, because it is in such high demand.
The areca palm is a species of flowering plant from the family Arecaceae. One of the most common palms used to brighten interior spaces, the new-found interest stems from the plant’s lush, green, and bold appearance, and they have an amazing ability to enhance any space, whether it’s an event or your home.
If you are looking to take on the responsibility of being a new plant parent, there isn’t any guide outlining which plant to get first. Choosing a plant, Bailey said, is solely dependent on the owner, whether he or she prefers a high- or low- maintenance plant. Here are other tips to consider when growing an indoor or outdoor plant.
1. Get to know your plant, pay attention, be patient, be consistent, and don’t give up.
2. Being a new plant mom or dad can get frustrating and tiresome at times, especially when the plant isn’t looking healthy. Plants communicate with us by telling us when they are in distress through discoloured leaves or looking droopy. So it’s dependent on the owner to become aware and take action.
3. You should also remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. So if the plant dies, that shouldn’t be seen as a reason to ditch the plant world altogether. If at first you failed at planting that seed, try, try, and try again. A healthy and blooming plant requires consistency.